We talk about baby safe cleaning products a lot over here, for good reason! As we have been taught since we were youngsters, cleaning products are poisons and have to be kept away from children. But should this safety apply only to children, what about the Moms who use them every day and can be affected even more with harsh chemicals and toxic fumes? Baby safe cleaning supplies are extremely important for EVERYONE in the home.
There is good reason to be concerned about the cleaning supplies that are not baby safe, they are poisons and they harm our babies, toddlers, children AND MOMS.
The American Association of Poison Control Centers identified household cleaners as the third largest categoryof substances associated with calls to poison control centers, with over 218,000 calls made in a single year. Over half of those calls (121,000) were made in response to an incident involving children ages six and under.
There are other reasons for mothers to stay away from any cleaning products that are not also baby safe. The National Cancer Association released results of a 15 year study concluding that women who work in the home are at a 54 percent higher risk of developing cancer than women who work outside the home.Traditional cleaning products were deemed as part of the reason for this increased cancer risk. With more and more mothers seeking job opportunities that allow them to work from home and telecommute to the office, this should serve as a wake-up call for any Moms who want to be around to see those kids grow up!
Shop for Baby Safe Cleaning Products
Looking for the best green home cleaning products? We are pleased to offer baby safe cleaning products for sale from a number of hand selected companies that we feel offer the best products for our Green Home Cleaning customers!
Some Reasons To Avoid Chemicals (oops we mean traditional cleaners) and Air Fresheners
The volatile nature of traditional, petrochemical-based cleaning product chemicals cause them to evaporate into the air we breathe. Fumes and residues left behind from these household products can cause a slow poisoning to the immune systems of both baby and mommy.
Cleaning chemicals can also end up in household dust. Studies by the Safer Products Project demonstrated that household dust contain high levels asthmagens and other toxic chemicals.
Air fresheners is one of the most common products used in our home, especially with a baby in the home. Unfortunately these are formulated from a number of chemicals including xylene, a neurotoxin and possible reproductive toxin. Even worse is that air fresheners usually work by coating your nasal passages, deadening your ability to smell, or by covering up offending odors instead of getting rid of them.
Certainly we want to use baby safe cleaning products to protect our newborns, but there are plenty of reasons as well to seek baby safe cleaning supplies and green cleaning products for the protection of the Mom’s health as well!
[…] Skip the biggest hazards – Avoid air fresheners, they are neurotoxins. […]