Going Green is THE hot topic. We see it everywhere, even more than with just green janitorial supplies. Is this good for business? YES! All businesses, even the smallest ones, can save money by adopting greener work habits and integrating a sustainability strategy into their operations. Businesses with a strong focus on becoming green and more sustainable are oftentimes more profitable, and will be better positioned as the economy recovers.
Ralph Waldo Emerson summed it best when he said
“Doing well is the result of doing good. That is what capitalism is all about.”
Generally the primary drivers why companies choose to Go Green are:
- With increased stewardship your business is run better with a potential added outcome of reduced costs because of the green oriented choices made.
- Supply chain management. Once what is in your direct control with your operations has been “greened” the owner will often find the next greatest opportunity their business can have is to have a green oriented supply chain, such as influencing others to use green janitorial chemicals.
- Governments provide incentives, such as tax credits, rebates, low interested loans, and even in some cases enable you to minimize penalties.
- It is good business as well as good for the environment, the community … and your public relations.
Although one may pursue a green focus for a myriad of different reasons, the outcome is frequently the same – the business is run more efficiently and effectively which is coupled with a tangible impact on the bottom line. As an added benefit many less tangible, but valuable outcomes for business such as market the green advances you are putting into action, for example the program you have implemented for green janitorial chemicals.
Better yet, this has been documented. A survey by The Economist said that 57% of business executives queried agree that the benefits of a corporate program focused on going green outweigh the costs. It went on to say that companies who had effective programs were on average 16% more profitable than their competitors! Another study by Grant Thornton LLP supports this as three quarters of the executives believed corporate responsibility could enhance profitability and thus plan to grow their eco friendly strategies. Additionally the US Green Building Council reports that worker productivity improves 2 -18% in a building that utilizes green systems. Arch Cape Inn is a great example and is leading the march as hospitality goes green, as they have implemented many more things than just using green janitorial cleaning supplies.
Knowing that in almost every case, what starts out as something you, as the business owner, feels is good for the environment ends up supporting bottom line makes commencing on the journey even easier. A green program for your operations offers valuable tangible and intangible benefits to your business. This will likely start out as an effort to implement green initiatives. To thrive and generate maximum value, however, ultimately your green initiatives and your business plan will merge to make your green practices the foundation of your brand.
Green Cleaning Products is a great source of green janitorial supplies and chemicals.
What a great way for small business owners to help their bottom line and the planet at the same time!!!
Once you get into the swing of things it is great fun to find new ways for saving money.
For example today I am helping a customer understand how much they save on shipping a highly concentrated product rather than the ready to use product. Specifically we are talking about shipping 1 gallon at 8 pounds of concentrate rather than 32 gallons (or 270 pounds) of ready to use product. This is HUGE! – it adds up VERY quickly.