What Products to Use When Starting a Cleaning Business?
This is one of the first questions that I hear many new cleaning businesses ask. This is especially true of the business start-ups that decide that they want to be “green” and offer their customers an eco-friendly solution with non-toxic and safe cleaners.
In establishing a cleaning business there are many options available since there are many things that need a regular cleaning, whether it is the home or the office, or perhaps a specialty such as windows or carpet and floors of all types (hardwood, tile, even concrete). The cleaning industry is extremely diverse where some businesses offer general residential or commercial cleaning services and others on focus just on specialty cleaning. In general, the cleaning industry can be roughly divided into four sectors:
– commercial janitorial services,
– specialty cleaning,
– residential cleaning, and
– laundry/dry cleaning services.
In 2015 there were approximately 875,000 businesses employing about 3.5 million people. It is certainly not insignificant as the industry generated $51 Billion in revenue in 2015 alone!
One aspect of the cleaning business that appeals to so many is that there is a very low cost of entry and thus does not become the barrier that many other businesses opportunities present themselves. While competition can be stiff, great customer service will always win out. It is not hard to understand how a bad job will trigger the customer to look for another company that delivers good results with great customer service. Creating a positive reputation coupled with location and quality marketing will get any start up cleaning company off and going.
Now a days, both businesses and home owners are increasingly conscious of the chemicals used in their space. As a result any of the cleaning services that focus on non-toxic supplies and processes have become sought after businesses. Furthermore “green cleaning is “a marketplace phenomenon that is being driven by customer demand and the overall trending of the broad marketplace for environmentally preferable products and services,” per the Worldwide Cleaning Industry Association.
The commercial cleaning industry usually accounts for about a third of industry revenue. One of the best time to start a commercial cleaning business, aka janitorial service, is when the business cycle is experiencing low office vacancy rates and increasing commercial construction activity, especially when your business is willing to offer second or third shift services when the offices are empty.
When only about ten percent of the cleaning services are provided by franchises, the opportunity to succeed on your own is even greater.
It is for this reason that Green Cleaning Products LLC has pulled together a single package that contains all that is needed to start with your first customer.
The CleansGreen® Green Cleaning Company Startup Kit includes highly concentrated environmentally friendly cleaners, as well as several of the basic tools alongside some key educational resources such as easy to use instructions, eBooks, and relevant resources. The acclaimed and highly rated CleansGreen® branded products are included as well. All of this is packaged for you at a discounted and an extremely affordable rate. It can be delivered to your door in the matter of just a few days!
TIP: For obvious reasons, the demand for house and apartment-cleaning services is most popular with people who are looking for a little more free time of higher than average wealth, especially in two-income households. Market research suggests that the ideal target for clients are married couples with college degrees, 45 years old or older.
ANOTHER TIP: Ralph Waldo Emerson has provided some of the best advice for a small business owner as the roadmap for success: “Be Honest, Be Kind”.