One result of our desire to leave the planet in better shape than what we started is to select only “natural cleaner” as our choice of green cleaning products. This leads to another cleaning myth: “Do-It-Yourself” (DIY) cleaning products are always better.
DIY is Not Always the Best Cleaning Solution
Despite our best intentions, this is NOT ALWAYS the case. This is not about bashing on natural or homemade, do-it-yourself (DIY) cleaning products. Nor are we throwing our support behind the traditional harsh, commercial cleaners.
After all as Bill Gates states, “Climate change is a terrible problem; it needs to be solved. It is a huge priority.” This is why we focus on doing the right thing and going natural as much as possible.
The problem is that DIY cleaners can be ineffective at best, or toxic at worst. The big problem here is that many people automatically equate DIY is safe, and store-bought is unsafe. As with most things, life just is not that simple.
As reported in the Journal of Environmental Health in the “Hard Surface Cleaning Performance of Six Alternative Household Cleaners Under Laboratory Conditions” article, the lab test results indicated that compared to commercial cleaners, alternative cleaners, as a group, are less effective in both microbial reduction and soil removal.
Additionally the individual alternatives vary in their effectiveness. Unfortunately none of the dilute solutions of the alternative cleaners (borax, vinegar, ammonia, and baking soda) used in the home, meet the EPA guidelines for registered disinfectants.
The report concludes, “If consumers wish to use alternatives, they may find them effective in removing soil IF they are willing to work harder.”
Seeking more information about common myths? Sign up for the FREE eBook by Green Cleaning Products LLC, “The Bottom Line: Cleaning Myths Busted by CleansGreen®” to learn more about others.
The CleansGreen® Kids Cleaning Kit is unique as it contains non-toxic, non-corrosive, and safe all-purpose cleaner concentrate along with a navy blue color-coded plush terry type microfiber cloth.
CleansGreen® Bottom Line:
Just as Green Cleaning Products LLC does, do your research. Spot check the various cleaners to see if they are effective. If it sounds too good to be true, it just might be.