There are many reasons to use kid safe home cleaning products, including avoiding poisons, asthma and allergies, and unhealthy environments. In short, hundreds of chemicals that are found in homes have been connected to allergies, birth defects, cancer and psychological disorders. So other than buying and using ONLY green home cleaning products, what are some other kid safe home cleaning tips to implement?
Kid Safe Home Cleaning Tips
- Clean spills promptly – you don’t want to have to use heavy duty cleaners to get them up.
- Open the window – Clean with windows and doors open. Fresh air is good.
- Schedule cleaning – It is important to find a time and place with the least amount of distractions. Kid safe cleaning happens when you focus on the task at hand. If the phone rings, let the answering machine do its work!
- Don’t be fooled by labels – Buy only safe, non-toxic (not just green), kid safe cleaning products. Since label claims are not always true, it is safest to use only certified green cleaning products, such as those certified by Green Seal, EcoLogo and Design for the Environment (DfE).
more tips below…
Shop for Kid Safe Cleaning Products
Looking for the best green home cleaning products? We are pleased to offer kid safe cleaning products for sale from a number of hand selected companies that we feel offer the best products for our Green Home Cleaning customers!
- Read the label – Always follow product label instructions. Dilute your green cleaning supplies according to instructions. Never mix!
- Check the warning labels – Do not allow your kids to use anything with a Caution or Danger warning. (If you decide to use the product yourself, use gloves and other proper protective gear. Know, however, that options do exist so gloves should not be necessary!)
- No open containers – Don’t leave cleaning buckets containing even a small amount of liquid unattended. Toddlers can be top heavy and if they topple into a bucket, it may not tip over and they could drown. Use only the amount of kid safe home cleaning product needed for the job at hand.
- Use Microfiber cloths for green cleaning– These cloths will remove dust and dirt efficiently while using smaller amounts of both water and kid safe home cleaning products.
- Fight germs without nasty chemicals – Microwave your sponge by wetting it and zap for two minutes to kill the germs.
- Skip the biggest hazards – Avoid air fresheners, they are neurotoxins.
- Avoid antibacterial products – If your family is generally healthy, there’s no need to use potentially toxic, antibacterial products (according to the American Medical Association). Wash your hands with plain soap and hot water.
We are proud to say that it IS possible to clean with these kid safe home cleaning tips (many of which we have gotten from readers). If you have some good ones that we missed, please leave them in the comment section!
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