Green Cleaning Products is thrilled to share with you why baby safe cleaning products are so important for your newborn… even before you find yourself baby proofing the entire house … even before conception!
We work with a lot of new moms but wished we had the chance to reach more expectant mothers. Most of the time non toxic cleaning products do not appear on the radar screen until after your baby arrives. This often is too late.
Learn more at our link about Baby Safe Cleaning Products.
There are great reasons to use only eco friendly cleaning products for your baby safe cleaning, only one of which is the reproductive harm caused by harsh “regular” cleaners. Regrettably chemicals in traditional cleaning products have been linked to many types of reproductive harm, including:
- Changes in sexual behavior
- Reproductive organ cancers
- Decreases in fertility
- Miscarriage
- Premature birth
Sadly maternal exposure to toxic chemicals during pregnancy can disrupt development or even cause the death of the fetus.
While scientists have known for a long time that high levels of exposure can be linked to chronic diseases, research now suggests that even minute traces of some chemicals may impact us and the newborn.
Green Cleaning Products offers many options that can protect you, your family, and your baby to be!
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