Even if you have not been into natural green home cleaning or an organic lifestyle there are many great reasons for you to select green cleaning products for you and your family.
Health: It really is all about our health. Our health is the most precious thing that we too often take for granted. No matter what we do, it is much easier to enjoy a great life when we are healthy. There are many health risks associated with the conventional cleaning products that we became familiar with in our youth. Most of the time the conventional cleaning product products contain ingredients linked to cancer, reproductive toxicity, hormone disruption, neurotoxicity and other health effects.
Baby Safe, Kid Proof, and Pet Friendly: Children and pets who are accidentally exposed to harsh, corrosive cleaners can suffer burns to skin and eyes, lung damage from inhaling the fumes, or other consequences. Even worse, in some cases toxic chemicals have a sweet taste, for example ethylene glycol. Once children or pets start to drink a product with ethylene glycol, they like the sweet flavor and inadvertently poison themselves! Even if you do not have a baby, kids or pets in your home, why expose yourself to things that are not good for you? It just makes sense.
Benefit from the Newest Technologies: Unlike in the past when green cleaning products first came on the market, they are continually being developed and today are the cleaners that are on the cutting edge. As a result of new findings, the formulations are always being improved to take advantage of these new technologies. Consequently, when buying green cleaning products you will find they are more effective than the traditional products that seem to often be focusing more on improving their brand recognition and marketing efforts instead of their cleaning ability.
Asthma and Allergies: It seems that the number of people with allergies is on a steady increase. More and more people are developing allergies to more and more things. If you and your family are not allergic, consider yourself one of the fortunate few. It has been found that people who use or are around cleaning products at home may increase their risk of triggering asthma attacks, or worse developing asthma that was not previously present.
Shop for Green Cleaning Products
Looking for the best green home cleaning products? We are pleased to offer green cleaning products for sale from a number of hand selected companies that we feel offer the best products for our Green Home Cleaning customers!
Bioaccumulation: Bioaccumulation is a big word that refers to the progressive increase in the amount of a substance in a body because the rate of increase exceeds the body’s ability to remove the substance. Thus exposure to low levels of these chemicals over a lifetime may increase the risk of developing serious health conditions such as cancer or reproductive issues.
Reduce your Carbon Footprint: There are multiple aspects of green cleaning products that contribute to reducing your carbon footprint, even if you were not aware of them. Four of these are:
- the ingredients are biobased renewable materials and not dependent on our shrinking oil supply
- they are super concentrate thus reducing the packaging demands
- less product to ship reduces the cost of transporting the heavier weight of conventional ready-to-use cleaners
- the whole concept of refilling your spray bottles with the cleaner concentrate and tap water to significantly reduces your waste
Even if you are not selecting green cleaning products to improve the planet that we live on, it is the right thing to do. Will you start using them? If so, please do not become a victim of greenwashing. Green Cleaning Products has selected many great products from Rochester Midland Corporation for you. We are here to help and offer many very effective and safe products for you to purchase.
Health is the best reason to use green cleaning products and practices. There is no better way to protect your personal environment that to use safe cleaning.